How Is This Treatment Center Different

More traditional addiction treatment uses the threat of God and the punishment for sin. While this could work for individuals who are religious, it will not work for everyone. In fact, studies show that more addicts go back to using even after the religion-based treatments. A non-traditional treatment center takes a completely different approach to recovery.
Reviewing Biological Factors
When someone becomes addicted to alcohol or controlled substances, their body is reacting to unhealthy changes in their brain initially. However, the body becomes accustomed to the higher release of feel-good hormones. The chemicals in alcohol and drugs can increase these feel-good hormones so dramatically that the individual cannot cope with life without the substance. This is how the addiction is created. Addressing biological factors gives the individual a better chance to fight addiction and start their life over.
The Source of Unhappiness
Counseling helps the individuals find the source of their unhappiness. With addicts, it is often unhappiness that leads to addiction. It is not always traumatic events that require them to find a more substantial way of coping. For some addicts, the unhappiness in their lives is what becomes overwhelming, and they cannot find a way to change it. In turn, they find a substance that helps them coping with their unhappiness instead. Finding the source of unhappiness gives the individual restored hope in their life and could be the turning point that enables them to fight their addiction more proactively.
Starting a New Life
The individual works with counselors to find what it is they need in life to be happy and fulfilled. This could be the start of a new career or even moving to a different location to start a better life. Once the individual knows what they want, the counselors help them create a plan for making these life changes and improving the way they look at life.
For some individuals, this could be staying out of relationships that are unhealthy for them. They might find a better lease on life by leaving these individuals behind them. If they were not happy in their marriage, maybe it is time to get out and find a healthier life. The counselors don’t judge the patients or what will make them happier. Religion-based treatment does. Patients can get non-religion-based treatment from ARC in Portsmouth now.
Healing the Body
Diet and exercise are a big part of the program. It is important to heal the body and get in better shape. Exercise can release feel-good hormones in the body and make the individual cope with their addiction. These changes eliminate the need to use the substance and make it possible for the individual to recover more effectively. The counselors help the patients choose the best path for them.
Religion-based rehab doesn’t work for everyone. It often uses guilt and shame to scare the individual into refraining from using. These principles aren’t effective for everyone who becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. Individuals can find a more unique approach by contacting a science-based rehab center now.